Sunday, April 26, 2020

Covid 19 - What's Happening Around the World?

A few weeks into having the United States go into a stay at home order, I was scrolling through my social media feeds and my mind started to wander. I was curious as to how each country around the world was handling the same crisis, and started talking to some of my international friends about it. Sure, we all see worldwide news and have seen how each country has handled things in different ways. But I thought that getting a direct answer from some of my friends living in those countries would be a really cool idea to show how we are all in this together.

I sent out a short survey first asking: "what is it like in your country right now and how are you dealing with the changes?" 
Second, for those who are athletes (which is pretty much everyone) : "how are you handling your training with your country’s isolation orders?"

  *question 1 answers are in blue, and question 2 answers are in purple*


Social distancing.  No gyms, cafe’s, sporting events.  Actually any kind of event.  But being out in nature (solo) and shopping (“essentials”) is fine.
Not going to the gym sucks.  But otherwise it’s training as normal.

Leave the house for essentials only! Public gatherings of more than 2 people. 1.5m social distancing, bars, restaurants, shops are closed. Only essentials like supermarkets and select retailers remain open. Riding on Zwift, have some home weights but without any racing this year my motivation is lacking!


Well the shops are all closed. Everything except supermarkets and life necessary stuff is open. I stay most of the time at home!
I train at home all the time. Or running around in the woods but most of the time at home!


I'm currently studying from home because universities and schools are closed all over the country. Everyone has to stay home, except for essentials like grocery shopping, or work if it's impossible to work from home and the social distance can be guaranteed. All shops and restaurants are closed but many local restaurants offer delivery at home or take away instead. It's not allowed to meet with other people unless you can keep 1.5m distance. Outdoor physical is allowed as long as you are alone, or with one friend, or family members living in the same house, but you can't take stop along the way, to avoid people coming together in one place. So far I haven't had a lot of problems with my training. We are lucky to still be allowed to train outside, as long as we train alone or with a family member. Because I live at home, I can do most of my trainings with my sister so it hasn't been much of an issue to stay motivated and keep training like usual. Until now, even the skating track is still open but no more than 2 people can skate at the same time.


Grocery, gas, pharmacies, hospitals - essential services are running well. Restaurants are doing pick-up, a lot of stores are doing curb-side pick up. Schools are closed, playgrounds are closed too, and most city services (pools, libraries, arenas, city hall). Concerts and sports are shut down.
I train on Zwift in my basement, so there's no change to my routine. I do a few easy rides with my daughter, about 1 hour a day. I also have free weights in the house, so I'm fine.


Yes, you cannot leave your house to do anything except go to the grocery store. You have specified days that you are allowed to go to the store(mask required) depending on the last number on your national id. Only one person per household can leave. No exercise outside of your home or any other non necessary exits allowed. Everyone is training indoors on trainers and slideboards.


Supermarkets are open, but not many people are allowed in. Can still get takeouts using Deliveroo/Ubereats etc. Police will break up groups larger than 2 in public parks... not allowed to sunbathe in public parks, can only be used for exercise! The official government guidance is to only go outside once a day for less than an hour. I have no home gym equipment 😰 and all the gyms are closed! My Wattbike is being delivered from home this week though 🙏🏻


We are requested to stay home if possible. No visits, no travel, no visit of relatives in Nursing homes or hospitals.
If you traveled home from any other country you have to stay home for 14days, no exemptions (also not allowed to go to the grocery or a doctor, you call the doctor and he will come to your place if needed).
Grocery stores are open normal, no masks or gloves needed and also not recommended.
As soon as you leave the house you have to stay apart 1.50m from everyone, also in grocery stores or in the streets. Pharmacy take away is open. Other shops and restaurants have to closed or offer delivery or take away also with 1.50m distance. Which means they put it on a table or anything and you need to wait until they are 1.5m away before you are allowed to pic it up (yes looks funny). No cash payment required.
Hairdresser, Nail studios are closed. 
We are allowed to leave the house once a day to exercise alone or with one other person living in the same household. That means to run, jog, bike, walk, skate... on the roads, bike path. Parks, Kids playgrounds, Sport fields, tracks and so one are closed.
(Woods, bike paths are full these days, because people have nothing else to do) 
If you are outside for no reason and with more than one other person you have to pay 200€.
Schools, Kindergarten, Universitys are closed and have online/home schooling. 
Young children of nurses, doctors and people working in grocery stores can bring them to certain kindergarten or primary school classes. 
The "big test" for finishing high school took part last week, there was one teacher and 4 students each room, 1.50m apart from each other.
The German government organized flights to get people (who want to) back home from all over the world. 
Boarders are closed, also to all other EU countries (normal not even passport check at the boarder). 
The German government organized a few flight from east European countries to get the seasonal workers to make sure the farms are able to do their work. They have to have be in quarantine for 14days after they arrived. 
Self employed people get support from the state if their shops or company need to be closed. 
Companys can apply for short shift programs. That means the people have less work and get payed less from the copany, but some extra money will come from the government. (It's not allowed to just fiere people in Germany)

I do my gym and off skate training at home. I go out to jog, skate, bike alone or with my bf. 
The football clubs from 1.Bundesliga are allowed to train on their private property ot the club in groups of 5 (including coach) with a minimum distance of 1.5m apart from each other. Other sports don't have any special regulations. 


From 4am to 4pm you can be out of your house just for go get the essentials. After 4pm if the police sees you, they take you to the station and depending on your economic status you can get a ticket or even go to jail. The open business are just restaurants with delivery or pick up (they can choose if ala work late or not) pharmacy, super market (until 2pm), hospitals and like essentials services and to be out after 4pm you need a special permission and like banks they can work but following the healthy rules and they have to have transportation for their workers because public buses and all that is not working and because normally no one should be out, they shouldn’t take their car.
I just train in my house, I have a small gym (at least something) off skate and bike.. (trying really hard everyday to do it 🤣 too lazy)

Hong Kong

Restaurants / bars are open. but gyms, parks are closed and limit to less than a group of4. all i can do is run, no skate/ bike. do as much as i can.


Social events are cancelled. Some shops are closed but some are still allowed to be open. Schools and universities are closed. Most of the people are encouraged to work from home if they can. We are still allowed to go out to shop, to work, to the pharmacy and do outdoor sports but only alone or with people you live together with.
I was ill in the past weeks so i have just started training at home a few days ago.

New Zealand

Only essential businesses are open such as supermarkets and chemists etc and you can only use your car if you are accessing those. You can go outside and exercise either by your self or with members of your household only. Training load/hours as per normal but have my program adapted to suit the equipment I have at home.


I can only go buy food, everything else is is forbidden even exercise outdoors alone…
Working on stuff I usually wouldn't focus as much and developing other skills :)

South Africa

Complete lockdown. Essential services only. We manufacture custom cycling apparel but have moved to manufacturing high quality face masks to try survive the economic downturn.
A lot of Indoor and specific training. Found an abandoned road behind my house for Standing starts. Built a MTB trail in my back garden (1.3km long) to try train outside a bit. I don't have Zwift. Thankfully I have my Dad who loves to train with me. ❤️


Homeschooling the children.  We're allowed outside for exercise. Swiss media isn't like USA. In Switzerland you can exercise outside as long as you don't cross the borders.


Basically the same for us, we can still go out but just need to wear the mask and watch out the social distance !!
Some core , indoor cycling and dryland while when I was quarantined !!

United States

Stay at home orders, only essential businesses are open 

Only essential businesses are open and it SUCKS

Fresh meat and produce is only available if you're there in the morning. A lot less traffic on the roads. Metered amounts of people in stores.

Each state in the USA has different rules, as each state has very different amounts of cases and have all had to react different. My friends back home in PA, NJ, NY, etc, are all on almost a complete lockdown and most have not left their houses at all. I am currently in CO, where there are still a lot of people roaming around, traffic still seems heavy places, takeaway from restaurants is still available, etc. They are actually planning to start reopening the state tomorrow, which includes nail and hair salons, tattoo parlors, dentists, and retailers may start to open back up as well as a few other things. Let's hope that is a good idea... 

Stay safe out there everyone! Thank you for reading this if you made it this far. Praying that the world becomes a safe place again and that I will be able to travel the world without hesitation once more. Love you all! Thanks to everyone who helped me out with this! 

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