Saturday, March 28, 2015

Battle in Seattle Twenty Fifteen

Last weekend, I traveled out to Seattle to compete in the Battle in Seattle. Overall, I had a great time at the meet. For the pro women's division, we only had seven girls so every race went straight to a final.
We had three current world team members (Chesca, Chelsi, and myself), one former team member (Lani), and three girls who skated pro for the first time (Alli, Bethany, and Stacia). This lineup made for some great racing throughout the weekend. Chesca, my Simmons Racing teammate, won all three races giving her the overall win.
I didn't skate as well as I would have liked to, but as they say, "you win some, you lose some." I won every start though, so that's gotta count for something, right?

We may all be competitors on the track, but when we aren't skating.. well we still hang out and do competitive things. After racing ended on Saturday, we got a group together and decided to go bowling.
There were nine of us, so we took up two lanes next to each other and put five on one side and four on the other and treated this as the heats. We played two games and combined our two scores for an overall total and took the top five overall into the Final. Those in the Final were moved to the left lane, while those who didn't quite make the cut played on the right lane in the B Final.
The Final consisted of the following bowlers: Isaiah Oliver, Jarrett Paul, Zac Sagiao, McKenzie Browne, and Franchesca Bell. It came down to the tenth frame, but in the end, I came out with the win with my teammate Chesca in second and Jarrett in third. Let's just say the boys weren't too happy they got beat by two girls..

If you thought racing all weekend and bowling was enough for us, well then you better think again. Sunday after racing we got the same group together and headed out for a game of Laser Tag.
We had nine people again, so the teams were uneven. The computer's split us up into the two teams randomly, which at first seemed extremely unfair.
Team Bravo (five guys) against Team Alpha (three girls and Jarrett)? Yeah, totally fair right?
Well, it actually was because we kicked their butts.
During the game, we had to compete in four different missions. Two were a death-match (get the most kills) and two were territory (keep the four lights in your teams color).
Team Alpha won three of the four missions, giving us the overall win in laser tag! Yet again, the boys weren't too happy about losing to a bunch of girls (and Jarrett) but that's what they get when they put the two overall pro champs from the Battle on the same team.

I also got a little competitive with a group of elementary school kids during their recess when we visited Niko, a local skater who I stayed with at the race in Vegas, at his school. I played a little bit of wall ball with Niko and his friends- I couldn't resist since wall ball was one of my favorite games when I was his age. I gave up pretty quickly after I realized they were "restarting" any time one of them got out. But we still had a great time visiting him and reliving our childhoods a little bit!

I can't wait to be back in Seattle in May for the first Season 6 NSC event at the Armory!

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