Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Truth Behind Travel

For most people, traveling is a pretty exciting experience. But for me, it's getting pretty old.
Now don't take this post the wrong way-- getting to go places is not the problem here. Literally traveling is the problem.

I live the jet life. I travel so much for competitions that I find myself flying to races somewhere around 8 times a year on average. Not to mention the races that are in driving distance.. Point is, I travel a lot. I'm currently on a flight from Philly to Seattle- the flight is a whopping 6 hours and I have a little over 2 hours left. I've been on flights way longer than this but flying alone can get pretty boring after like 15 minutes.

So far since sitting down in my seat, I finished "Insurgent" (I had around 200 pages left), bought the in-flight wifi, went on social media, made 2 March Madness brackets, and now I'm writing this blog post. (2 hours to go) Oh and my laptop battery is now at 27% so once it dies, I guess I can sleep?

Anyway, this is a typical flight for me. I've come to the conclusion that my days of enjoying the experience of flying are way over. However, it's nice to see that there are still people out there who are experiencing flying and enjoying it.

A few weeks ago I was scrolling through my Twitter feed as usual when my friend Dalton tweeted "First time in an airport" and "Gonna live tweet my first flight experience until I can't tweet anymore but idk when that will be because I've never flown."
I read both tweets a few times because I honestly couldn't believe that he had never flown before. I've been flying since I was 2 years old, so I guess I never thought about the fact that people haven't been on a plane.

He spent the next hour or so live tweeting his airport experience:
"About to "check bags" (they don't check what's inside here apparently)
"Went on one of those flat escalators!"
"I wanna meet the pilot"
"I saw a cowboy with a bouquet of flowers so that was cool."
"Finally someone stopped at the rewards guy's booth and he stopped yelling"
"People watching - all denim, pink crocs. #canadiantuxedo"
"Boarding is gonna be like walking through the tunnel at the rose bowl with a lot less action at the end of it"
"I want a window seat SO BAD"
"I'm on board window seat over the wing"
"I feel like cheering"

I loved seeing his tweets because it highlighted the events of the typical airport experience. From his perspective, each event was new and exciting. From my perspective, they're just events that are a hassle to go through (just get me to where I'm going-ugh). 

Checking bags= Waiting in a long line and freaking out because you think your bag is over 50lbs and the people will make you pay like $100 if it's 51lbs
Flat escalators= These are here to speed up walking speed- WHY ARE YOU STANDING ON THEM? Oh right, you just don't want to walk. #Lazy
Meeting the pilot= Saying thanks when you walk by as you're finally get off the stupid plane
Boarding= Stressing about who you will be sitting next to, and why is this gate so hot/cold?!
Window seat= Yay I can take more pictures of the sky I'll probably delete. Also the best seat possible (unless it's an exit row) 
Cheering= You're more likely to die in a car crash. Do you cheer when you park your car? #Stop

And there you have it, a word from a grumpy traveler.

On the bright side, I got randomly selected for TSA Pre Check today. But I think it was only because I was at risk of missing my flight if I had to wait in the line.
That's another issue I've been having lately.. I know I can cut it close because I'm at the point where I know how much time everything takes. Until you hit traffic on the way to the airport because Philly sucks and it throws everything off schedule...

Side note: I got a window seat for this flight with the middle seat open and a guy from Puerto Rico who's been sleeping ever since he ordered 2 red wines from the flight attendant. I was okay with this until I needed to use the bathroom- I hate waking people up so I just waited until he left his seat and I snuck out behind him. He's also wearing a fanny pack.

One hour left until I land. I'll be racing the Battle in Seattle this weekend, so stay tuned for updates!

There is one good thing about airports, though...

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